Wednesday, July 23, 2008

MyEclipse 6 HTML Editor!

My Adobe DreamWeaver CS3 subscription expired the other day, and only moments before having to deal with an urgent client request for a website change. This was nothing server-side related, just a static change to a page.

3 years ago, I would have popped open a MS Notepad and made the change within the archaic wall of text presented to me by an ancient ANSI editor... But I've grown enough since then to learn that being efficient with a tool is far more important than being cool enough to work without a tool.

So, in my limited amount of time, I scrambled for a quick way to make my change with a tool, but without DreamWeaver. I forgot I had installed MyEclipse 6.0.1 on my machine months ago, but noticed it when right clicking on the file needing editing...

"Edit with MyEclipse 6.0.1 HTML Editor" ... Hmmm... Sure, I'll try that.

BAH-DA-BING! An exact wysiwyg representation of my page popped up and displayed my page more accurately than DreamWeaver ever did. The wysiwyg lacked a lot of the common shortcomings which most suffer from. I was so impressed by how smooth this tool was, that I went on to develop my next client's entire website in ME 6. You can see that work at

In conclusion, I have found that ME6 makes a better Visual HTML Editor than DreamWeaver does, even if it does lack some of the easy FTP features and things which DreamWeaver offers. I'll be saving my money from here on out and sticking with ME6!